Olioteca KURIYA MURATA | restaurant
Kobe, Hyogo
- Restaurant
拘り抜いたオリーブオイルを使用した地中海料理を提供するレストラン「Olioteca KURIYA MURATA」。葉脈にインスパイアされたグリーンのタイルを大胆に使用することで、独自の店舗コンセプトを表現。カウンターだけのミニマルな空間の中で、圧迫感を一掃し、地中海とオリーブオイルのアイデンティティを存分に引き立てる事を目的に空間を構築した。
“Olioteca KURIYA MURATA” is a restaurant serving Mediterranean cuisine using carefully selected olive oil. The bold use of green tiles inspired by leaf veins expresses the unique concept of the restaurant. The space was constructed in a minimal space with only a counter, with the aim of eliminating any sense of oppression and fully accentuating the identity of the Mediterranean sea and olive oil.
The R-shaped hanging wall above the counter was designed to promote a comfortable dialogue between the chef and customers, and to accentuate the depth of the perspective, gold hangers are placed horizontally, and the white walls are uneven. The contrast between the various materials creates a unique rhythm.
From the entrance, visitors can see through the glass doors to the entire store, which has only a counter, creating a beautiful space away from the hustle and bustle of the backstreets of the city.
- 案件名
- KURIYA MURATA | Olioteca
- 物件住所
ゴールドウッズ三宮ビル壱番館 - 竣工年
- 2019年
- 設計
- vi-no
- 施工
- vi-no
- 撮影
- 来間 孝司
- @kuriya_murata