PLANETZ | Hair Salon
Kobe, Hyogo
- Beauty
“PLANETZ” is a hair salon where the philosophy of the owner is scattered throughout. Based on the concept of “natural = earth,” the interior design evokes elements such as the sea, sky, forest, stars, and city. We attempted to design a commercial space that would also be a conceptual experience.
OSB plywood painted in gray creates an urban feel, while the use of different coloring blues on the floor and ceiling creates a unique ambience of sea and sky. Wooden partitions and green wallpaper in the shampoo area create a forest, while custom-made gold mirror frames and spherical bracket lights bring the respective elements of levitation and planets into the space.
The bright and open cutting area was designed to be both a private space and a treatment area. The shampoo area is arranged in a semi-private room style, emphasizing privacy and healing effects.
- 案件名
- PLANETZ | Hair Salon
- 物件住所
パープル山勝ビル5F - 竣工年
- 2020年
- 設計
- vi-no
- 施工
- vi-no
- 撮影
- 来間 孝司