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  3. されど青き空を知る 三ノ宮店 | Dining Bar

されど青き空を知る 三ノ宮店 | Dining Bar

Kobe, Hyogo

  • Restaurant

三宮北側に佇むDining Bar「されど青き空を知る」。ファサードおよびカウンター周辺を「vi-no」が、ホールエリアは建築集団「々(ノマ)」が担当した、異色の2社共同プロジェクト。オーナーを交えた三者で有機的に意見交換の場づくりをし、アイデアと得手を融合させながら、三者ならではの空間体験を試みた。



The Dining Bar “Saredo Aoki Sora Wo Shiru” is located on the north side of Sannomiya. The facade and counter area were designed by “vi-no,” while the hall area was designed by the architectural group “noma”. The three parties, including the owner, organically created a space for exchanging opinions, and attempted to create a unique spatial experience by fusing ideas and strengths.

By working together with customers and others involved in the DIY process of the store, the project was designed to anticipate the flow of customer traffic after the store opened. The main work at “vi-no” was highly specialized facility construction, and special black plastering was used for the tops of the counter seats. For example, scaffolding boards are boldly used for the hall seating, creating a space that can accommodate a variety of situations.

Since the restaurant is located at the back of a multi-tenant building, the facade is boldly designed with glass so that the restaurant can be seen from the front of the building. Light leaks into the interior of the store, and great care was taken in designing a conduit leading to the entrance. The natural greenery blends into the space as art, such as by attracting green artist “luncaplants” to plant trees that seem to float in the hall.

されど青き空を知る 三ノ宮店 | Dining Bar
vi-no / 々(ノマ)
vi-no / 々(ノマ)
plants direction
来間 孝司